burnt gingerbread do not make you nice.
marie bakar pepparkaksälgar och ett pepparkakshus. men hon bränner dem i ugnen och så är det fel på struten så kristyren blir inte som den ska. inte får hon lyssna på den musik hon vill heller. kan vara för att jag och per avskyr schlager. stackarn. hon måste avsky oss lika mycket just nu.
so my lovely marie is baking gingerbread in the shape of elks and are trying to make something that is going to be a house. but she's burning them and the frosting is not turning out the way she wanted. and me and per won't play the kind of music she likes. mostly because we hate schlager. she must hate us just as much...
so my lovely marie is baking gingerbread in the shape of elks and are trying to make something that is going to be a house. but she's burning them and the frosting is not turning out the way she wanted. and me and per won't play the kind of music she likes. mostly because we hate schlager. she must hate us just as much...
Postat av: mamma
Om jag varit Marie hade jag vispat till dig o Per. Hoppas resten av baket blev bra. kramar till er alla tre