simply in love with copenhagen.
första dagen som webbredaktör på allsång på skansen spenderades hemma i sängen med löjligt halsont. men nu är jag minsann kry nog att kunna ta mig upp och se vad morgondagen har att bjuda på. är så spänd på sommaren, men lever just nu i ett fantastiskt köpenhamnsrus. vill tillbaka. typ nu.
first day at work as a web editor at allsång på skansen was spent curing a ridiculous soar throat. but now i'm well enough to see what lies ahead tomorrow. am so excited about this summer, but also caught in this pink bubble gum bubble blown by copenhagen. love that town. love the peolpe i've met. want to go back. like, now.
first day at work as a web editor at allsång på skansen was spent curing a ridiculous soar throat. but now i'm well enough to see what lies ahead tomorrow. am so excited about this summer, but also caught in this pink bubble gum bubble blown by copenhagen. love that town. love the peolpe i've met. want to go back. like, now.