you get what you deserve.
jag brukar källsortera. cross my heart and hope to die att jag gör. men idag var jag stressad. så jag slängde två pärmar, med papper i, rakt ner i soptunnan. pang sa det, när jag slog handen i kanten och skrapade upp en mängd skin som korvade sig likt stearin som stelnat som man pillar på. snyggt. just snyggt.

i always separate at source. is that really the words for it? tossing paper in a bin marked paper, and plastic in a bin marked plastic, and so on? anywho, i always do that. cuz that's the least someone can do. but today i didn't. i chucked two whole file folders, full with paper, in the bin. just like that. no wonder i banged my hand on the side, causing a pretty painfull blister. pretty, and painfull.
